Lisa Lebofsky

New York City, NY

Lisa Lebofsky’s paintings explore our emotional and physical relationship with nature. She holds her BFA from SUNY New Paltz, and MFA from New York Academy of Art. In addition to solo and group exhibitions nationally and internationally.Lisa is back in New York City after wrapping up a 3 year mission painting across North America to better know the changes happening in our environment and the people it is affecting.


Lisa is the recipient of several awards and residencies including Shenandoah National Park, VA, Terra Nova National Park, Newfoundland, New Bedford Whaling Museum, MA, Saltonstall, NY, Tilting AIR, Fogo Island, Newfoundland, Jentel, WY.

Publications / Interview

BoldBrush BoldStrokes

Riding the Wave with Lisa Lebofsky Click here to watch to the interview

Lillian Ansley