Artists Will paint in and around the city of eatonton all day
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM | Georgia Color Exhibition Gallery | Barrel 118, 118 N Jefferson Ave, Eatonton, GA 31024
Fresh paintings created by participating Artists as well as a library of their paintings will be on exhibition and available for purchase.
4:00 - 5:15 PM | Artist Talk/Demo with Jill McGannon in Eatonton, GA | The Butterfly Garden at the Briar Patch 617 N. Jefferson St, Eatonton 31024 “Painting in the Garden”
Jill McGannon
Come view and purchase paintings!
5:30 PM | VIP Early Entry | Artist Awards and Collectors Celebration
Are you on the Host Committee, a Friend of Show, Sponsor, Awards Sponsor or Housing Host? If so, you gain entry before the rush to view and buy.
6:00 PM - 8:30 PM | Artists Awards and Collectors Celebration
Purchase Ticket Master of Ceremonies: Lou Benjamin
The Awards and Collectors Celebration offers the first opportunity to see the entire competition show. This evening bustles with excitement and sales are brisk. Competition paintings will be judged and awards will be given. Attendees are able to purchase paintings created during the competition, as well as those from a library of work in advance of the general public.